
Meet Our Gynaecologist:

Dr Seng Shay Way

Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Clinical Interest
The use of GnRH antagonist in IVF, reproductive medicine and the treatment of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

Clinical Director of Fertility Solutions at Gleneagles Medical Centre

MBBch: Degree of Bachelor of Medicine (Ireland)
MRCOG: Member of The Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynacologists (UK)

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Quality Care and Service

Seng’s OG Practice

At our clinic, we have medical doctors and counsellors to help you be aware of all your available options when faced with an unexpected pregnancy. Our professional staff is dedicated to providing you with safe and high-quality medical services that suit your needs.

We understand that abortion is not an easy decision. We trust each woman to make the choice that is best for her and her unique situation. We are available to support you through your physical and emotional recovery, before and after the abortion.


shake hands, , termination of pregnancy singapore

Abortion Process in Singapore


Our doctor will review your stage of pregnancy, medical history, previous pregnancies and use of contraception. The abortion procedure and its possible risks are explained along with the different methods of contraception.


All patients are required by law to go through mandatory pre-abortion counselling before the procedure. There is a subsequent waiting period of 48 hours before you can return back to terminate your pregnancy.

Girls under 16 years of age have to undergo mandatory counselling at the Health Promotion Board. They will be issued a Certificate of Attendance (COA) after the session. The COA is necessary before we can legally perform the abortion.

Abortion Process

Abortion is carried out either by medical abortion (up to 9 weeks* of pregnancy) or surgical abortion (8 to 12 weeks* of pregnancy). The entire procedure usually takes about 90 minutes.

If you decide to have an abortion, you’ll need to sign a consent form before the procedure.

All patients choosing to terminate a pregnancy are also required by law to sign a declaration of marital status, educational level, and the number of living children. The Ministry of Health in Singapore maintains a register of all abortion procedures that records the patient’s name, date of procedure, and method of termination.

Post-Abortion Follow-Up Appointments
You’ll need to return for a review appointment two weeks after the abortion. There will also be mandatory post-abortion counselling. We understand that choosing to undergo an abortion is not an easy decision. We are always available to support you through your physical and emotional recovery.

Satisfied clients support her work

Happy, not “happy”

Dr Joanna Bryan has an awful lot of client that can testify to her success. Cras odio lorem, tincidunt pellentesque lectus porttitor, hendrerit pulvinar felis. Duis urna dolor, vestibulum sed massa a, gravida faucibus risus. Morbi euismod ipsum ut sodales ullamcorper. Maecenas gravida enim a laoreet suscipit.


Donec sollicitudin justo eget tortor porta, id maximus ex facilisis. Integer facilisis pulvinar commodo. Integer sed placerat quam. Praesent dictum velit ut tempor molestie.


Mauris dui magna, consectetur nec dignissim ut, pellentesque sit amet nisl. Etiam varius at leo non pulvinar. Curabitur magna nunc, cursus vitae consequat a, gravida non risus.


Morbi eget orci dictum, imperdiet felis in, finibus lorem. Nunc sed ex massa. Vivamus eleifend condimentum orci in dapibus. Praesent ex eros, ullamcorper egestas nulla eget.


Vivamus libero ligula, tincidunt vel venenatis eu, vehicula venenatis purus. Duis at lorem venenatis, mattis nunc sollicitudin.


Mon – Fri
1.30 PM – 5.00 PM
9.00 AM – 1.00 PM
Sunday and Public Holidays


6 Napier Road Suite #03-18 Gleneagles Medical Centre Singapore 258499

Tel: (65) 6472 7988
Fax:(65) 6472 5211


Book Your Appointment

At Seng’s OG Practice, we promise you safety, confidentiality as well as quality care and service.

We understand that abortion is not an easy decision. We trust each woman to make the choice that is best for her and her unique situation. We are available to support you through your physical and emotional recovery, before and after the abortion.

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    © 2021 Copyright By Seng OG

    *The duration of the pregnancy is calculated from the first day of the last normal menstruation of the pregnant woman to the end of the 24th week.